There was a change to use libubootenv at some point to alter the uboot env variables. Might be worth checking the mender-client and meta-mender repos to see if that change falls with your versions
I’m using latest dunfell poky and I’m hitting following issue:
ERROR: No recipes available for:
Seems that libubootenv was bumped to 0.3 in latest dunfell 022affe4592c1a21d6abb00619e5927865748819 and thus an error.
Renaming recipe to x_0.3.bbappend resolve an issue but I’m not sure if patches are still valid. I can post PR if necessary. Thanks.
I couldn’t get fw_setenv to work using stdin
echo test1=test1 > /var/run/test
root@octave-imx8mnevk:~# fw_setenv -s - < /var/run/test
root@octave-imx8mnevk:~# fw_printenv | grep test1
root@octave-imx8mnevk:~# fw_setenv -s /var/run/test
root@octave-imx8mnevk:~# fw_printenv | grep test1
I looked through the libubootenv code and can’t see how it processes - for stdin, in the u-boot version you can see
if (strcmp(fname, "-") == 0)
fp = stdin;
But I don’t…