Difference between Docker compose and Kubernetes for hosing own production server

Heyo good day. I have a question about hosting your own Mender server. We are a small company, and want to use Mender to update raspberry pi’s. We have around 200 of them, and need to update them once a year. We’d like to host our own server, and one of my colleagues has already made a testserver using Docker Compose on ubuntu 18.04. He made this, because we’re both engineers in automation, and not really IT, and this seemed to be the easier option. However, the documentation says that it’s hightly recommended to use Kubernetes for a production server, but is it really a good idea for us to try to get a Kubernetes server running, even though we only need to update our devices once a year?

Depends on if you need all the benefits that Kubernetes brings. It’s certainly more than I need for my server installs, so I just stick with docker compose for now. But your mileage may vary.


Hi @FearlessMailbox,
There is a good article discussing this. We are in a similar configuration as your, and I think for now we will stick with Docker Compose.