There are inconsistencies between the instructions contained in the tutorial and the current software. See the shared Google doc for full details.
Also the deployed application service does not function resulting in the error “[FAILED]: Failed to start mender-demo-artifact.service” being reported to Raspberry Pi console.
Hello in terms of similar bugs. It if you ‘check box’ on a release in the release tab, and press the action, “create deployment for release” nothing happens. But if you click the release such that information for the release appears, then the release action works.
Now when that is selected, one can tick all devices group. I think that [bjkowalski] has started a deployment by selecting the device perhaps, hence just a single device is selected and not an all group.
bjkowalski i found that by following the instructions the polling times were very high, and not the correct demo amount. this is probably why it needed to restart first before connecting to the server, because I think that by restarting, the device polls. I have attached what the current copy paste is, and what the tutorial says. I may be wrong. Sorry for spelling mistakes or if I have misunderstood, I am new.