Delta Updates without a initial rootfs update

If I understood the guide correctly you need to apply a initial rootfs update before you can use the delta updates.

Source: Robust delta update rootfs

Our process is right now:

  1. Create a .uefi image with yocto
  2. Flash the image on an SSD
  3. Install the SSD
  4. Boot the device
  5. Apply a full rootfs update manually via ethernet connection
  6. Ship the device to the customer
  7. Apply delta-updates via a mobile connection

If we skip step 5. we can’t apply any delta updates later because the device does not provide the right rootfs.checksum.

My question is: Why we are doing this? The initial image (.uefi) is exactly the same as the first full rootfs update (.mender)

Or is there a workaround that I did not see?

Thanks for all the help!