C++ API for Mender Client

Hi @platisd,

We are planning to use Mender for OTA updates in our product (it worked out-of-the-box with our Yocto-Sumo based board btw) and to integrate it nicely with our business logic, we want to use it in standalone mode and trigger updates via our daemon running in C++.

Glad it has worked out so far.

So I am wondering, is there a way to use the Mender client via native C++ calls? Is there some kind of API that is exposed so we are not forced to do system calls and parse their output somehow (since we will probably need to know the progress)?

We do not provide an API on the client side, and the closest you can get is utilizing state-scripts, this way you can inform your application in which state the Mender client is in.

There was a similar discussion here,