Building image with mender-systemd-boot fails at patching systemd-boot

Hi @TheYoctoJester ,

Oh, yeah, looking at the code i see the same thing. I thought it was updated as it was specifically mentioned in this announcement for Meta-mender’s kirkstone release.

Do you think the people originally involved in building and porting this will be interested in updating it for kirkstone? I will certainly take a crack at doing it myself, but most of what i know about bootloaders and the intricacies of yocto in general, i have learned in the last few weeks, so i would most likely at least some assistance by someone knowledgeable in the topic.

Given the upcoming release of yocto 5.0 Scarthgap, if now one does this port now, mender-systemd-boot would be two LTS releases behind, if it gets included in meta-menders Scarthgap release at all.

Greetings and thanks for your time