when converting an image i would need to
disable mender-client.service
(or not enable it)
copy some file in /data/mender
and /usr/share/mender
and add one or tow new services files
what would be the best custom hook ?
I was thinking at USER_LOCAL_MODIFY_HOOK
what do you think ??
and where could I find in docker builder the right volume to get the new files I want to add into image from
I tried to add this config file :
disable_mender_client_service() {
log_info "disable mender-client.service."
run_and_log_cmd "sudo rm -f work/rootfs/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/mender-client.service"
copy_preauth_files() {
log_info "copy preauth files"
run_and_log_cmd "sudo mkdir -p work/rootfs/data/mender/preauth"
run_and_log_cmd "sudo cp preauth/* work/rootfs/data/mender/preauth"
change_iddentity_script() {
log_info "change identity script"
run_and_log_cmd "sudo cp preauth/mender-device-identity work/rootfs/usr/share/mender/iddentity/"
enable_preauth_service() {
log_info "copy and enable preauth.service"
run_and_log_cmd "sudo cp preauth/preauth.service work/rootfs/etc/systemd/system/"
run_and_log_cmd "sudo ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/preauth.service work/rootfs/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/preauth.service"
I call mender-convert with --config config/preaut_config
I well seen the use in log :
2021-04-16 12:15:57 [INFO] [mender-convert-modify] Using configuration file: configs/preauth_config
but when hook time is coming specific hook time nothing logged
2021-04-16 12:16:04 [INFO] [mender-convert-modify] Performing user/local specific modifications (if any)
2021-04-16 12:16:04 [INFO] [mender-convert-modify] Running hook: user_local_modify
2021-04-16 12:16:04 [INFO] [mender-convert-modify] Applying rootfs overlay: rootfs_overlay_hosted/
2021-04-16 12:16:04 [DEBUG] [mender-convert-modify] Running: (./mender-convert-modify:369): run_and_log_cmd():
sending incremental file list
sent 1,023 bytes received 50 bytes 2,146.00 bytes/sec
total size is 846 speedup is 0.79
The variable name is plural: USER_LOCAL_MODIFY_HOOKS
how I could have missed that … sorry all my apologies
I also did that because it is called HOOK in the docs, but should be HOOKS