Single File

This is a limitation of the Demo environment, as we provide demo certificates for the and domains.

If you want to use a custom domain name you can setup a production environment, Production installation | Mender documentation


How to include multiple files to deploy using this module?

HI @nishad1092 this update modules is specifically for deploying single files. You may be looking for:



Sure @drewmoseley, It looks good.

I have another query, so I just deployed a directory of two python file using directory module, and then I would like to execute this .py file, so Iā€™m trying to execute it through script module by simple bash script to python run the file. But it isnā€™t getting deployed nor gettign executed. ? tell me if Im doing wrong or is there any other way?

Hi @drewmoseley,

I looked over this, It worked just fine, But one glitch, Few deployments went just fine, But whenever a deployment is failed or aborted, then the current artifact is show with ā€œInconsistentā€ tag, and also device isnā€™t syncing in real time after this, I had to restart manually.

Sir, Why is this? How to resolve it, or is this is a known bug\issue ? Because if a update fails, which might happen right, in that scenario, one canā€™t access the device becuase it isnā€™t realtime sycned and because of this, im not able to further deploy until i manually restart the device.