Maybe a special character in the mongodb password? If so, could you please retry a fresh install with a complex password composed by only numbers and letters?
This is how mongodb-common-prerelease got created:
\o$ kubectl get secrets mongodb-common-prerelease
mongodb-common-prerelease Opaque 2 24s
\o$ kubectl get secret mongodb-common-prerelease -o jsonpath='{.data.MONGO}' | base64 -d
Yes, you can keep the automigrate: false flags.
The mongodb-common-prerelease could be originating from the old setup, then. When doing a fresh install you also have to take care of old volumes, that usually are kept even after a helm delete.
Tldr: for a real fresh install you have to delete all the secrets, pvc, pv, jobs, statefulset resources that could be kept even after an helm delete
Now I get an yaml error when I set
\o$ helm template mender mender/mender -f mender-3.6.2.yml --set workflows.automigrate=true > /dev/null
\o$ helm template mender mender/mender -f mender-3.6.2.yml --set workflows.automigrate=false > /dev/null
Error: YAML parse error on mender/templates/create-artifact-worker-deploy.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 55: mapping values are not allowed in this context
Use --debug flag to render out invalid YAML
The clean setup even without automigrate flags was successful. I can’t tell what the difference was to the previous installation. Maybe some special character as I’m not working 100% with linux