Delta updates checksum mismatch

Hi Kristian,

Thanks for your response. This is the /etc/mender/mender.conf:

"ArtifactVerifyKey": "/etc/mender/artifact-verify-key.pem",
"InventoryPollIntervalSeconds": 28800,
"RetryPollIntervalSeconds": 300,
"ServerURL": "",
"StateScriptRetryTimeoutSeconds": 86400,
"TenantToken": "REDACTED",
"UpdatePollIntervalSeconds": 1800

Here is /data/mender/mender.conf:

    "RootfsPartA": "/dev/mmcblk0p1",
    "RootfsPartB": "/dev/mmcblk0p11"

Finally, fw_printenv only prints this:


This is because there is no U-boot bootloader in this setup. Instead, we use cboot and a fake fw_printenv script as provided by the meta-mender-tegra layer.

Figuring this is probably the issue, I used an overlayfs to edit the fake fw_printenv script to make it return “mender_boot_part=1” instead and this seems to have fixed it!

I will take this up further with the maintains of the meta-mender-tegra layer to get a proper fix in (see Delta upgrade issue when using cboot · Issue #10 · OE4T/meta-mender-community · GitHub )

Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction!
Best regards,

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