NanoPi NEO2 - OpenWrt

Hi @rossbcan,

Thanks for sharing all your work and documenting it so well.

I’m having a few issues creating and uploading the Mender Rootfs Artifact and am wondering if you came across anything similar in making the mender_flashdisk script.

Problem: Parsing issues in upload

Failing on: mender-cli artifacts upload --server $MENDER_SERVER -v $BASE_NAME-ext4-rootfs-$DATE.mender

On my build server I can create a mender rootfs artifact with the following command:

mender-artifact write rootfs-image -n $BASE_NAME-$DATE -t $BASE_NAME -f $ROOTFS_IMAGE -o $BASE_NAME-ext4-rootfs-$DATE.mender

(using -f instead of -u to specify the .img file as per

But whilst I can read the artifact generated fine with mender-artifact read and can login to my mender server with the mender-cli when i try the mender-artifact upload I get a failure response of “unexpected EOF” or “Cannot parse artifact file”.

Likewise if i try to manually upload the .mender rootfs file generated I receive a cannot parse failure.

Did you face any similar problems in mender-artifact creation/upload?

Many thanks